Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Phil 1:11; Gal 5:22 Divine Good

We are continuing in the study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17;

At the moment we are considering Paul's prayer for the spiritual growth of believers that was recorded in Phil 1:9-11;

In verse 11 Paul is praying for believers to be filled with the "fruit of righteousness." which is the result of the believer's PMA of Bible Doctrine which is the mind of TLJC.

Phil 1:11; having been completely filled up ( perfect tense passive voice )with the production of righteousness [which is the total fulfillment of spiritual progress] which comes through Jesus Christ, for the glory and praise of God

We have seen that in the Phil 1:11; passage the production is viewed with regard to the quality of it's character as the “fruit of righteousness,” and in Gal 5:22, the same production is viewed with regard to it's source as the “fruit of the Spirit.” where details of it's characteristics are also described.

We are presently studying the sixth characteristic of the fruit of righteousness which is the production of the Spirit in the believer who has the thinking of TLJC through metabolized Bible Doctrine as described by the Greek noun "agathosune", which is from the root "agathos" which means which is translated as "goodness" means to be generous, virtuous and to produce divine good.

Since Divine good is the production of God it has inherent or intrinsic value.

We have seen that Divine good is an absolute concept related to God and his perfection and that Human good is a relative concept related to mankind and imperfection. And that there are (3) categories of good in human history: Human Good, Morality or Establishment Good and Divine Good.

We saw last time that the Laodicean believers had become focused on their prosperity rather than maintaining their focus on the source of their prosperity because they had become distracted from their PMA of Bible Doctrine by their prosperity.

Always remember that Bible Doctrine in the soul comes from perception of Bible Doctrine. Rom 10:17;

Satan's plan is to counterfeit everything God proposes to do in grace through some system of arrogance.

Works accomplished through God's system of grace, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and guided by biblical principles are classified as divine-good production.

Works accomplished through human energy, regardless of the talent or ability, are classified as human- good production.

Human good promotes the plan of Satan. But in order to control the thinking of the believer so he can manipulate the production of human good and evil in the believer, Satan must gain control of the believer's soul which he does through personal sin. The OSN is Satan's inside agent inside the body of the believer that tempts the believer to make a choice which results in personal sin that permits him to gain control. The believer's volition is what protects the believer from this assault.

When Satan’s assault succeeds, it is absolutely necessary for the believer to utilize 1John 1:9; followed by the appropriate application of Bible Doctrine Rom 8:2;

The Greek word "nomos "is translated "law" in this passage but can also be translated “principle" it refers to being in the control of or under the authority or control of something.

Expanded translation: For the principal/property of the Spirit/ {Who is} the source of {everlasting spiritual} life /'through the agency of' Christ Jesus via Positional Truth has set you free from the law/principal of the OSN and the resultant) spiritual death.

We have seen that there really are only two ways of thinking: (1) divine viewpoint based on Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness in the domain of the Holy Spirit and (2) human viewpoint based on the doctrines of demons in the stream of consciousness in the domain of the OSN.

Divine viewpoint is developed in the soul of the believer through grace. Following salvation the grace of God provides a package of assets that enables the new believer to grow in grace and acquire His viewpoint:

Logistical grace: the divine guarantee of the necessities of life in two categories,

(1) physical sustenance, which includes food, clothing, shelter, etc., and

(2) spiritual sustenance, which includes a completed canon of scripture, a local church, a pastor-teacher.

The filling of the Holy Spirit provides the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit for the creation of Spiritual IQ from the grace asset of the human spirit.

The Grace Apparatus for Spiritual Perception is the system whereby God the Holy Spirit functions to instruct the believer's soul in the divine viewpoint of God.

From this grace system, an inventory of ideas is developed that enables the believer under the power of the Holy Spirit to make good decisions from a position strength from the thinking of TLJC which is Bible Doctrine and the capacity to resolve all problems through the application of that Doctrine through the ten biblical problem-solving devices.

All production from this system is divine good and is the means whereby the Holy Spirit glorifies TLJC in the Church Age.

Apart from the work of God the Holy Spirit the believer is personally unable to glorify Jesus Christ. Glorification of TLJC is completely dependent upon grace assets therefore, when such glorification occurs it cannot be the result of human merit but is entirely a grace function under the power of the Holy Spirit. John 7:38-39;

The "living water" in verse 38 is identified by John in verse 39 to be the Holy Spirit. Those who believed in Christ were promised the indwelling of the Holy Spirit after the glorification of Christ in heaven.

Once Christ was crowned with glory then the Holy Spirit could begin His mission of glorifying Jesus Christ on earth during the Church Age. This is presently being accomplished when the believer resides in the PPOG which is God's grace system.

By teaching believers Bible Doctrine they advance in their knowledge of divine viewpoint all the way to spiritual maturity where they produce maximum divine good which glorifies Christ.

The Holy Spirit is the agent for glorifying Jesus Christ in the Church Age and this is accomplished through the three spiritual skills. John 16:14; The filling of the Holy Spirit plus GASP results in divine viewpoint.

The more the believer knows about the thinking of Christ the more the Holy Spirit is able to glorify Christ through that believer.

Divine good originates from the thinking of the believer who has an inventory of divine viewpoint from which to apply under the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.

Maximum efficiency in the production of divine good requires four ingredients:

(1) The filling of the Holy Spirit which is the sine qua non for being in the directive will of God inside the PPOG. (sin que non - without which it is impossible)

(2) Consistent spiritual growth under the Grace Apparatus for Spiritual Perception and the development of reciprocal love for God as motivation.

(3) This produces momentum toward the objective of spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity is attainment of cognitive invincibility, the level of spiritual advance that gives the believer the discernment to execute divine good utilizing the right doctrine at the right time for the right reason under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

(4) The result is invisible historical impact by the mature believer. Believers do not draw attention to themselves but their function in divine good results in maximum glorification of God and of Jesus Christ.

It is the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit that executes the plan of God consequently it is the Spirit is responsible for the all divine good production in the believer's life.

It is Divine Good because its source is God the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit does the work while the believer receives the rewards.

The Believer's positive volition results in the conversion of divine power into divine good production

Divine good measures up to God's perfect standards of righteousness because divine good is based on the absolute and immutable standards of divine viewpoint.

Divine good is incorruptible. The Bible refers to it as gold, silver, precious stones 1Cor 3:12;

The production of divine good is an issue in the angelic conflict, Rom 12:21. "Evil "in this passage refers to the human good and evil which are the production of Satan and the cosmic system, "good" in this passage is the production of divine good by God the Holy Spirit throughout the believer's spiritual life and they are mutually exclusive.

An expanded translation of Rom 12:21 would read " Stop being overcome (present tense passive voice imperative mood) by evil but (the adversative conjunction "alla" keep on overcoming (present tense active voice imperative mood) the evil.

It is only through knowledge of Bible Doctrine that the believer can discern between Divine Good and human good and evil.

It is also only through the application of Bible Doctrine that the believer can overcome evil.

This discernment is part of Paul's prayer for believers in our passage in Phil 1:9;




© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on  7/1/2007