Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Phil 1:11 Gal 5:22 The faithfulness of God cont.....

We are continuing in the study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17;
At the moment we are considering Paul's prayer for the spiritual growth of believers that was recorded in Phil 1:9-11;

In verse 11 Paul is praying for believers to be filled with the "fruit of righteousness." which is the result of the believer's PMA of Bible Doctrine which is the mind of TLJC.

Phil 1:11; having been completely filled up (perfect tense passive voice) with the production of righteousness [which is the total fulfillment of spiritual progress] which comes through Jesus Christ, for the glory and praise of God

This righteousness is produced in the believer by God when the believer is functioning in the spiritual life through the application of Bible Doctrine to experience under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.

We have seen that in the Phil 1:11; passage the production is viewed with regard to the quality of its character as the “fruit of righteousness,” and in Gal 5:22, the same production is viewed with regard to its source as the “fruit of the Spirit.” where details of its characteristics are also described.

We are presently studying the seventh characteristic of the fruit of righteousness which is the production of the Spirit in the believer who has the thinking of TLJC through metabolized Bible Doctrine as described by the Greek noun "pistis", which in this passage refers to the virtue which is a production of the Spirit it also which means being faithful, trustworthy, reliable, and steadfast.

We are examining the faithfulness of God because God's faithfulness is the basis for the production of faithfulness by God the Holy Spirit in the believer.... the believer's faithfulness is established in the faithfulness of God.... the believer cannot be faitihful apart from God's provision.

We are presently examining some categories of God's faithfulness which ultimately becomes the basis of the believer's faithfulness through the PMA of Bible Doctrine.

God demonstrates his faithfulness through His grace, James 1:17a; Every blessing keeps on comes from God who never changes. Since he knows all things he is always completely objective as he conveys his gifts without subjective preferences.

God's faithfulness is manifested in His perfect plan, 1Cor 1:9; We were called in eternity past when God was aware of all our failures, Eph 1:4; and God found a way to complete his work that he started in us through His grace plan without any compromise of His perfect integrity. Phil 1:6;

Knowing every sin, human good deed, and evil thing we would ever do, God still selected us to have human life at birth, and elected us to equal privilege and opportunity at salvation and the guarantee of eternal glory. Rom 8:29-30;

As a part of His faithfulness, He has provided every believer with a personal plan in which to function in spiritual freedom Gal 5:1; which is established in the PMA of Bible Doctrine John 8:31-32; 1Cor 16:13; which is the basis for equal privilege and equal opportunity for each believer in God's plan to advance to spiritual maturity.

To make all of this possible, God the Holy Spirit is faithful to indwell believers, John 14:16-17; and to teach Bible doctrine to the positive believer, 1Cor 2:13.

God's faithfulness is manifested in his preservation, and his conveyance of logistical grace provision and super and ultra supergrace blessing, 1Thes 5:23-24; Because of this, believers are commanded not to worry about the basic necessities of life because God will provide everything that will ever be needed. Matt 6:33; Phil 4:6;

It was harder for God to find a way to provide the believer with eternally secure salvation than it is for God to bless the believer in time because it required him to sacrifice his uniquely born son John 3:16; Rom 5:8; 2Cor 5:18;

Since he did the most for us at salvation, it follows, a fortiori, or with absolute certainty, that He will provide the lesser blessing of logistical grace support in time. Rom 8:32; God's perfect faithfulness to every believer in eternity past inevitably leads to His perfect faithfulness to every believer in time.




© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on  7/18/2007