Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Phil 1:11 Gal 5:22 The Faithfulness of God

We are continuing in the study of the mandate for believer's prayer in the PPOG. . Phil 4:6; 1Thes 5:17;

We are looking at Paul's prayers for believers so we can better understand what we should pray for.

At the moment we are considering Paul's prayer for the spiritual growth of believers that was recorded in Phil 1:9-11;

In verse 11 Paul prays for believers to be filled with the "fruit of righteousness."

This righteousness is produced in the believer by God when the believer is functioning in the spiritual life through the application of Bible Doctrine to experience under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.

We have seen that in the Phil 1:11; passage the production is viewed with regard to the quality of it's character as the “fruit of righteousness,” and in Gal 5:22, the same production is viewed with regard to it's source as the “fruit of the Spirit.”where details of it's characteristics are also described.

We are presently studying the seventh characteristic of this righteous production of the Spirit in the believer who has the thinking of TLJC through metabolized Bible Doctrine which is the Greek noun "pistis", and is translated as faithfulness which means to be trustworthy, reliable, and steadfast.

God's faithfulness to the believer is the basis for the production of faithfulness by God the Holy Spirit in the believer.

The believer's faithfulness is established in the faithfulness of God and the believer cannot be faithful apart from understanding and living in confident expectation from God and God's faithfulness and grace provision.

At this point in our study we are discussing the process whereby the Holy Spirit works in the believer through Bible Doctrine to parlay God's Faithfulness toward them into a characteristic of faithfulness as a facet of the Fruit of the Spirit which is Righteousness.

It is important to know that the promises have been given to us "in order that by means of them we might become partakers of the divine nature." 2Pet 1:4; Net note 19

This is achieved as the believer functions inside the PPOG through their faith application of Bible Doctrine under the power of God the Holy Spirit.

God gives to believers who are his children, by means of His integrity, motivated by His love, and expressed through His grace, his word of honor, and his promises which are revealed to them in his word which can never fail. Mark 13:31; Isa 40:8;

God's Word which cannot fail gives the believer promises Pertaining to Life:

The Fifth Commandment Exod 20:12; which is reiterated to the Church Age believer in Eph 6:2; carries with it the promise of long life on the earth.

Since the end of the universal flood the Lord has guaranteed the consistency of planet earth while it remains. Genesis 8:22

Mankind's rulership over the earth which was granted in the original promise which was given to Adam and Ishah: Gen 1:26-28; was restated following the flood in Gen 9:1-7;

The earth will supply all of mankind’s material needs but man is required to work it for those needs to be met Gen 3:17-19;

God has promised us every necessity that is required for sustenance in life but because of the fall, mankind must obtain that sustenance from a fallen environment.

The earth in its fallen state will produce food if it is worked and believers will obtain sufficient provision when they work. 2Thes 3:10-12;

Events in life often test the believer's confidence in God's promises to provide and cause the fainthearted to doubt God's promises and grace and lose faith.

These uncertainties exist because both mankind and the creation are fallen which results in physical death for mankind Heb 9:27; and complete destruction for the present universe when God is finished with it after the millennium. 2Pet 3:10; Which is at least 1007 years from now.

Restoring faith, acquiring confidence, and developing courage in the face of a world designed to kill us motivates us to become dependent upon God's promises regarding their life on this planet and confident expectation for the future rather than our own finite resources. 2Cor 5:5-7;




© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on  9/9/2007