Class Notes: 3/6/2011

Some characteristics of a Personal Sense of Destiny

In our study of the Personal Sense of Destiny when we left off last time we were discussing the principle that when the believer is aware of God's provision and consistently uses it through the application of the spiritual skills, the believer develops a personal sense of destiny

We were looking at some key words the believer must understand in order to develop a personal sense of destiny that include Grace, Cognition, Priority, Volition, Function, and Power.

The last key word is Focus. Because a personal sense of destiny focuses on becoming a winner through the offensive action of the spiritual life that belongs to the believer during the unique dispensation of the Church.

A personal sense of destiny includes the following characteristics:

A personal sense of destiny never looks back. A personal sense of destiny moves forward and looks forward. Believers are to look forward forgetting what is behind. When they look back they are failing.

A personal sense of destiny includes the function of the two power options plus the three spiritual skills that are the only way believers can move advance in God's plan.

A personal sense of destiny includes contentment and tranquility of soul regardless of circumstances.

A personal sense of destiny includes stability of mentality, which leads to stability of emotions. Stability of mentality comes from metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness.

A personal sense of destiny includes composure and poise in adversity marked by self- assurance. We do not have to understand why the adversity comes. Under a personal sense of destiny it does not make any difference why it comes the point is to use the personal sense of destiny and advance through it.

A personal sense of destiny includes grace orientation to life and doctrinal orientation to reality.

A personal sense of destiny includes good decisions from a position of strength exceeding bad decisions from a position of weakness.

A personal sense of destiny includes doctrinal inculcation in which the rate of learning exceeds the rate of forgetting and divine viewpoint supersedes human viewpoint.

A personal sense of destiny includes momentum accelerated in deployment of the last four problem solving devices personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the happiness of God, and occupation with Christ on the FLOT line of the soul. The results of a personal sense of destiny include the glorification of God, becoming a winner believer and the dynamic impact of the invisible hero.

The English noun "destiny" includes three ideas. Destiny is a predetermined course of events. Destiny is the power that determines the course of events and destiny is the agency that determines the course of events.

The predetermined course of events refers to the Church Age and the divine initiative of antecedent and eschatological grace. The sovereignty of God and the free will of man function together to determine the course of events.

The sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist in the course of events of the Church Age. The power that determines the course of events in a personal sense of destiny are the two power options of the protocol plan and the function of the three spiritual skills.

A personal sense of destiny is self orientation to the protocol plan of God for the Church and it is absolute confidence in the absolutes of divine truth that are revealed in the infallible word of God.

A personal sense of destiny is the cognition and the application of metabolized Church Age doctrine resulting in the advanced problem solving devices being deployed. When the advanced problem solving devices are deployed they provide a maximum use of a personal sense of destiny and the most fantastic life that is based in confidence in God.

A personal sense of destiny is the dividing line between spiritual childhood and spiritual adulthood, it is self-orientation to both living and dying grace. No one ever enters into a personal sense of destiny without grace orientation and doctrinal orientation.

It begins when the believer believes with absolute certainty passages such as Rom 8:28; "Now we know that to those who love God He causes all things to work together for good, to those who are called on the basis of a predetermined plan."

A personal sense of destiny begins when the believer can fulfill the first three words "Now we know." This verse applies to those who have reached a personal sense of destiny because God only causes all things to work together for good for those who Love God.

The believer has to have reached a personal sense of destiny for this to be true because having love for God to be one's motivation requires a personal destiny.

Believers often accept human self-esteem as a substitute for a personal sense of destiny but human self esteem depends on circumstances. Circumstances make no difference to a personal sense of destiny.

For example, dying is the ultimate blessing in life for the believer who is using the advanced problem solving devices that become operational with a personal sense of destiny.

A personal sense of destiny includes spiritual capacity righteousness. Spiritual capacity righteousness is in the process of being built by the first five problem solving devices. When the believer reaches a personal sense of destiny they have the spiritual capacity righteousness that is necessary for Personal Love for God, integrity Love for mankind, the Happiness of God and Occupation with TLJC.

A personal sense of destiny with it's spiritual capacity righteousness has a desire for greater things from God.

A personal destiny includes self-motivation from the function of the spiritual skills. The positive believer wants to know more about God, and this desire keeps on growing.

As the problem solving devices are deployed and being successfully used, capacity and motivation function together in tandem. No one with a personal sense of destiny has to motivated to come to Bible class because the motivation is built in through the personal sense of destiny.

A personal sense of destiny establishes greater and greater values through the focus of the eternal future. The believer begins to deploy the adult problem solving devices. This is what truly changes the life experientially.

You have the self-determination to move on in your life and fulfill God's plan. The advanced problem solving devices are defined in terms of self-orientation that is established with a personal sense of destiny.

A personal sense of destiny avoids the arrogance skills of the OSN and functions in the sphere of true humility from the spiritual skills of the new creation that occurs when one is born again. 2Cor 5:17; We see from this that a personal sense of destiny is based on the unique doctrines of the Church Age.

In 2Pet 3:13-14; Peter uses the Greek the verb "prosdokao" that has the connotation of the expectation of a personal sense of destiny with the statement "But according to His promise we are looking forward with confidence to a new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness lives. Therefore, beloved, since you are looking forward with confidence to these things, be self-motivated to be found by Him in a state of prosperity, spotless and blameless."

"Prosdokao" is used twice and is translated " looking for" in the NASB it means to means to expect, to look for something, to look forward in a hopeful sense with confidence.

The Old Testament visible heroes illustrate the function of a personal sense of destiny.

Abraham is the pattern for salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, Rom 4:9-10; "Is this blessing then on the circumcised, or on the uncircumcised also? For we contend, `Faith was credited to Abraham resulting in righteousness.' Therefore, how was it imputed? When he was in the status of circumcision, or in the status of uncircumcision? Not in the status of circumcision, but in the status of uncircumcision."

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