Class Notes: 5/9/2012

The unique spiritual life of the Church...conclusion

In our continuing study of the unique spiritual life of the Church Age we are presently looking at systems of false spirituality that are often presented as spirituality. When we left off last time we were discussing the false system of spirituality by emotion.

We saw that emotion has no ability to reason because when the emotions takes over the soul, common sense, the vocabulary as a tool for mental function, and the ability to think is lost resulting in irrational behavior.

Since true spirituality is a system of thinking Bible Doctrine under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit that results in complete rationality emotion cannot be not a criterion for Christian experience.

Normal emotional responds to the values of one's thoughts from the recall of Bible Doctrine resulting in peace and tranquility of soul. Abnormal emotion reacts with irrationality and mental attitude sins resulting in the instability of OSN control of the soul.

When abnormal emotion overpowers the thinking it hinders the recall of Bible doctrine resulting in a wall in the soul that restricts the recall and application of doctrine and results in the development of the irrationality of emotional revolt of the soul.

The wall is built by the various categories of emotional sins including fear, jealousy, self-pity, hatred, implacability, envy, and guilt, Anyone involved in mental attitude sins, will have a malfunction of their personality.

Emotional spirituality is therefore an abnormal function because Bible doctrine does not change your personality it only refines it.

The categories of emotional sins include fear, worry and anxiety.

Fear is inability to think under pressure because the more things you surrender to fear, the more things you fear. The extent to which you surrender to fear, you increase the power of fear in your life. The more things that acquire the power of fear in your life, the more things in life you fear.

The spiritual life creates courage that is the ability to think under pressure. 2Tim 1:7;

Hatred is an emotional sin that includes anger, violence, and murder.

Self-pity is an emotional sin that stuffs problems into the subconscious where it festers until there is a trigger and the person has an emotional blow up.

The emotional sin of guilt creates the irrationality where you condemn yourself for your emotional sins rather than by the objective norms and standards of your mentality.

People get married, try to serve God, go to church, try to change their personality, and many other things because of the wrong motivation of the emotional sin of guilt.

The emotional sin of jealousy is part of the arrogance complex of sins along with the emotional complex of sins. If you are jealous, you will have one of the following reactions: bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, inordinate ambition and competition, revenge, envy and verbal sins.

Emotion is related to human power and influence but never to divine power and the legitimate function of the Christian spiritual life because being emotional or ecstatic is not spirituality. James 1:20;

During the Church Age, the filling of the Holy Spirit has no emotion connected with it because we represent the absent Christ in the chaos of the devil's world.

Emotional revolt of the soul hinders the believer's post-salvation spiritual growth because it hinders the process of learning and applying Bible doctrine.

2Cor 6:11-12; "Oh you Corinthians, our mouth has been opened face to face with you, because our heart has been enlarged (with doctrine). You have not been hindered (in spiritual growth) by us, but you have been hindered by your own emotions."

Emotional spirituality is a distraction to the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church.

Rom 16:17-18; "Now I urge you, brethren, look out for those who cause dissensions and hindrances which are in opposition to doctrine which you have learned. In fact, turn away from them. For such persons (believers) are slaves not to our Lord Christ but to their own emotions; and by smooth and flattering speech they deceive the right lobes of the stupid."

Job 30:27, "My emotions are boiling, and I cannot relax; days of affliction confront me." NET note 55

Lam 1:20, NET "See, Oh Lord, I am in distress; my emotions are in ferment; my right lobe is overturned within me, for I have been rebellious."

False emotional spirituality makes a god out of emotion. Phil 3:18-19; "For many walk, concerning whom I have communicated to you many times, and now continue communicating even though weeping, they are the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose destiny is destruction, whose god is their emotion, and whose fame is in their dishonor, who keep thinking about earthly things."

When emotion becomes the believer's god, that believer is outside the spiritual life and in moral or immoral degeneracy because the emotions are not the criterion for the spiritual life.

In true spirituality the Church, the royal family of God is in partnership with the Holy Spirit, Phil 2:1-2; NET notes 3 and 4

This partnership is with our volition. If we are positive to Bible doctrine, then we are totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit and relate our lives to Christ. The purpose of the filling of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ by our reaching spiritual maturity.

We must learn to distinguish between the power, the means, and the results in the spiritual life.

The power of the true spiritual life is the filling ministry of the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere and metabolized Bible doctrine that is available to be applied in the soul of the believer.

The power of the Holy Spirit is stated in Acts 1:8; We lose the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit when we sin. We regain it when we confess or acknowledge our sins to God alone.

To advance in the spiritual life the believer must simply spend more time in fellowship with God the Holy Spirit than out of fellowship.

The recall and application of Bible doctrine is also a source of energy for the Christian life. Heb 4:12; The application of doctrine under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit is the only means of spiritual production.

The spiritual life of the believer is based on what the Bible calls the heart or the right lobe of the soul where metabolized doctrine circulates in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness.

Both concepts of spiritual life are related to the heart. The filling of the Holy Spirit that is the absolute concept of the spiritual life is related to the heart because the heat is the location for the filling of the Holy Spirit.

The amount of doctrine that is circulating in heart or the stream of consciousness that is available to be applied to experience, as wisdom is the relative concept of the spiritual life.

Gnosis or information in the nous or the left lobe of the soul is academic understanding of doctrine. Gnosis doctrine has no spiritual value until it is transferred to the heart or into the stream of consciousness when the Holy Spirit teaches it and you believe or metabolize it and it becomes epignosis doctrine.

The believer with gnosis but no epignosis has no spiritual life because the spiritual life requires the application of metabolized or epignosis doctrine to experience as wisdom.

This means that if you do not metabolize or believe doctrine, you are not going to have a spiritual life. Heb 10:38; Heb 11:6;

One of the major functions of the spiritual life is the application of doctrine through the use of the problem solving devices. The problem solving devices are deployed in the soul from their extrapolation from metabolized doctrine as wisdom.

You are the only one who can use your spiritual life. You cannot function on the spiritual life of another person. God intends for you to function in the spiritual life just as you are, not by trying to be someone else.

This means that whatever benefits are derived from counseling or being counseled is not a part of the spiritual life. Your spiritual life is based on the metabolized doctrine that is circulating in your own stream of consciousness by means of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

The believer, who glorifies God by reaching spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, or spiritual maturity, does so from the use of spiritual assets that are available and revealed in the Word of God

As long as the believer is alive, there is no substitute for Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit because this is your spiritual life. 2Pet 3:18;

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