Class Notes: 6/10/2012

The doctrine of the timing of God in our study of Esther and the providence of God

In our study of Esther and the providence of God, we have seen that a major factor in God's promotion is timing so we are presently discussing the doctrine o God's timing for believers.

Timing in the Christian life often involves doing the will of God rather than doing your own will. This is the same as the problem of arrogance versus humility.

We have seen that if God doesn't promote you, you are not really promoted. This is taught under the principle of timing related to arrogance or humility in 1Pet 5:5- 6; where Peter quotes Prov 3:34;

"`God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble' Therefore, allow yourselves to be humbled under the powerful hand of God, that He may promote you at the proper time."

"Allowing yourself to be humbled under the powerful hand of God" means that, through the perception, metabolization, and application of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, you have capacity to wait on God's timing rather than demanding your own timing.

1Pet 5:7; explains that this is done by "casting all your cares on him" Net note 12

This also means that when you have a chance to take revenge or "get even", you do not do so. When you are wronged or treated in injustice, you do not fight back, but leave it to God and His timing. Rom 12:17-21;

Promotion under God's plan and God's grace is always in the proper time. This also means that there is a right time and a wrong time for promotion. We may think we know the right time, but the reality is that only God knows the right and the wrong time.

Good timing in the Christian life is a matter of the execution of the protocol plan of God that is made possible by the perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine, the function of the problem solving devices and the deployment and use of the invisible spiritual assets.

God promotes the doctrinal believer, Isa 66:2; NET note 4 because through synchronization with the protocol plan of God, the doctrinal believer advances to spiritual maturity where he glorifies God as an invisible hero.

As a result of spiritual self-esteem and the cognitive self-assurance that comes from metabolized doctrine, the believer develops true love because they have the patience to rely on God for good timing; this is the fulfillment of His protocol plan. Gal 5:22-23; Eph 4:1-2; John 13:35;

Timing has to do with everything in life so if your timing is off in any area, you will have a problem. Life without doctrine inevitably results in a life of bad timing. You may call it bad luck, be filled with self-pity, or resent others but these reactions are simply indicative of a lack of capacity from doctrine.

Since believers have an eternal irrevocable relationship with Jesus Christ the only timing that counts is God's timing. Any other source of timing will be off. This means that if you are an ambitious Christian who is arrogant, your timing will always be off until your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ through the protocol plan of God becomes the most important factor in your life.

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