Class Notes: 10/25/2015

Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; The doctrine of witnessing part 24

In our study of the doctrine of witnessing Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; we are examining the doctrines that undergird the gospel so that we can understand how and why it is God alone who made it possible for our so great salvation exclusively by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Eph 2:8-9;

We are now in a study of the of the last judgment that reveals what God must do to those who reject His peace offering of salvation in time by means of grace through faith alone in Christ alone.

We have noted that the last judgment is the alternative that is required to maintain God's holiness when someone rejects God's offer of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It is the requirement to face God's judgment in eternity because of refusal to face God's grace provision for judgment in time by believing in Jesus Christ.

What God does for mankind cannot compromise His justice or righteousness. This means that human self-righteousness cannot be the basis of God doing anything for mankind. Every blessing we have is on the solid ground of grace. People think of grace as God giving out something for free. That is wrong, because that would compromise His perfect integrity.

God's righteousness and justice back up His policy of grace. Grace is what God is free to do for mankind based on what God did for mankind through Jesus Christ's work on the cross. Rom 5:8;

There is love but no emotion in God's essence, but God's love is not emotional. God has something far greater than emotion He has spirituality. Spirituality is not emotion. Everything that God has provided for us contributes to spirituality under the principle of metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

Emotion does not have the power of spirituality. Spiritual power comes from the filling of God the Holy Sprit and the PMA of God's immutable Word. Spirituality is therefore exclusively from God so it does not compromise God's perfect essence.

This does not mean we are emotionless. It means that whatever we respond emotionally it must be based exclusively on what God has provided. Spirituality initiates, emotion responds.

If you do not know truth, you will be a slave to your emotions because your thinking will be incorrect. The chains that come from incorrect thinking create the worst kind of bondage. This is why our thinking must be renovated by God's word and based exclusively on God's word. Rom 12:3; Only the truth contained in God's word creates freedom and happiness. John 17:17; John 8:32; Prov 8:34-25;

If we are to be free and happy our thoughts, decisions and actions must all be truth. 2Cor 13:8;

God found a way to provide for us His very own eternal life and to give us His very own righteousness without compromising His integrity. That is true giving True giving never compromises ones integrity.

Giving to get control of someone is not true giving. Giving to try to make up for failures in relationships is not true giving. Giving from a motivation of guilt is not true giving. It is an emotion sin.

This means that the do gooder ideas for good that the world tries to foist on people through its propaganda and deceit is not true giving. All of the do gooder ideas that are being promoted in this world by the media are lies. 2Cor 11:13-15;

Self-righteousness and human good is all dead works. All human works are excluded from salvation through faith alone and all human self-righteousness is excluded from the unique protocol plan of God for the Church. All immorality is also excluded.

God's righteousness cannot accept human righteousness. This means that no one is saved because they are good. No one is saved because of self-righteousness. No one is saved because of their "good" works.

Not being saved by works includes any false "gospel" that adds any kind of human works to salvation. This includes believing and being water baptized or believing and making Christ lord of your life or anything else.

Nothing the spiritually dead person can do is acceptable to God. God only accepts faith alone in Christ alone because adding anything to what God does compromises God's integrity.

God's righteousness could have been compromised by the problem of divine personal love toward every believer, but is not. Divine personal love is directed toward all believers whether or not they comply with His mandates because all believers possess God's righteousness.

God's righteousness that is imputed to every believer at salvation (2Cor 5:21;) makes it possible for God to personally love every believer without compromising His perfect integrity.

There is no divine personal love toward the natural born human being because all human beings are born condemned in spiritual death. The best that spiritual death can produce is do gooder human self-righteousness that God rejects therefore God can only love the unbeliever with impersonal love. Rom 5:8;

God's personal love can only be directed toward perfect righteousness. This love is illustrated by the personal love that the members to the Godhead have for each other.

God protects His own righteousness by imputing it to everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This is why God can have personal love for every believer without compromising His righteousness.

God's personal love for every believer becomes the basis for the fact that believers are commanded to love fellow believers without exception. John 13:34;

This command is based on being motivated from personal love for God the Father and having capacity from the ministry of God the Holy Spirit and God's Word to have impersonal love for all mankind.

God's righteousness could also be compromised if human works were involved with the function of rebound. His integrity is not compromised because rebound is simply acknowledging and agreeing with God about the truth that He already knows.

There is a heresy concerning rebound that alleges that since faith is the solution in salvation, faith must also be the solution in rebound. God's Word does not tell us anything about faith in rebound.

Faith-rest always functions under the filling ministry of God Holy Spirit. Rebound functions apart from the filling of the Spirit. It is designed for the believer who is out of fellowship with God because of personal sin. It is the means of the recovery of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

The filling of the Spirit is only given to the Church Age believer and is lost the moment a believer commits personal sin after salvation. The indwelling of the Spirit is positional and therefore is irrevocable. The filling of the Spirit is experiential and is therefore revocable.

The filling ministry of God the Holy Spirit is s recovered with rebound.

Believing or having faith in Christ alone is the function of the unbeliever. Naming or acknowledging known sins in rebound is the function of the believer. The believer uses his volition to follow God's instructions to recover the filling of the Spirit and God restores the believer to fellowship.

Rebound is therefore simply a matter of following instructions, it is not a matter of faith. When you are out of fellowship, you have no faith-rest because faith-rest only functions under the filling ministry of God the Holy Spirit. This means that it is impossible to recover fellowship with God through faith-rest. The believer out of fellowship can only name or cite any personal sin they can recall.

The fact the believer sins after salvation is found in 1John 1:8, 10. The characteristics of the believer who is out of fellowship include:

The Sin nature control of the soul so there is no spirituality. 1Cor 3:1-3;

When the sin nature controls the soul, the Holy Spirit is grieved and quenched. The Holy Spirit still indwells the body positionally, but not the soul, experientially resulting in the Holy Spirit being quenched and grieved.

The believer still retains the other thirty-nine irrevocable things so the believer remains in the positional status of eternal security. This means that personal sin after salvation does not cancel salvation.

Loss of the filling ministry of the Spirit means that the believer's spiritual life is not functioning and any production performed under OSN control of the soul is human good and evil that God rejects as dead works.

Rebound is not a victory over sin. The purpose of rebound is recovery from sinfulness, recovery of the filling of the Spirit, and restoration to fellowship.

Spirituality is victory over sin. Spirituality is the result of the function of the spiritual mechanics of God's protocol plan. The two power options, the three spiritual skills, the deployment of the ten problem solving devices, and the execution of the three stages of the adult spiritual life.

Before any advance can be made you must recognize the reality of the problem and apply the appropriate remedy.

When you recognize the reality of the problem and you examine yourself for culpability the natural tendency is to deny that we have done anything wrong followed by the projection of the blame onto others. You must look into the mirror of God's Word in your soul objectively and evaluate yourself before God in the privacy of your priesthood.

If you rationalize the problem, you will rationalize the solution. A rationalized solution is no solution.

Strength can come out of adversity, but never comes from diversity. Problems that involve you and someone else are diversity. Diversity rationalizes the problem resulting in guilt, denial and projection.

If you discover culpability after the objective analysis of your problem in the light God's infallible Word accept the blame and follow God's instructions. 1 John 1:9; Simply name the sins you know are sins to God in the privacy of your priesthood. No works, no faith, no emotion no guilt no reparations no nothing. Faith-rest cannot be used because faith-rest is not functional when the believer is out of fellowship.

The divine solution for the unbeliever in spiritual death is faith in Christ. The divine solution for the believer in cosmic or carnal death from post salvation personal sin is to acknowledge any known sin to God. God always provides a solution that meets the situation perfectly.

The believer priest who is out of fellowship follows divine instructions, while the unbeliever in spiritual death believes in Christ. It does not take faith to name your sins to God it only requires the function of your royal priesthood that is based on your position of possessing God's righteousness.

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