Class Notes: 12/13/2015

Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; The doctrine of witnessing part 34

In our study of the doctrine of witnessing Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; we are examining the doctrines that undergird the gospel so that we can understand how and why it is God alone who made it possible for our so great salvation exclusively by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Eph 2:8-9;

Last time we noted the mandate believers to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of their calling so that their life would not be an impediment to their mission of evangelizing the entire world but instead for their example to be a living testimony of the Gospel. Phil 1:27-30; 2Cor 3:3; 1Pet 3:15-17; NET

Because of this we have taken up a study of the doctrine of the conscience because the conscience is programmed with the norms and standards that regulate and control the thinking that leads to decision and action. 1John 4:1; 1Thes 5:21-22;

Believers must therefore program the norms and standards of their conscience with God's Word so they can establish the norms and standards of Jesus Christ in their thinking. 1Cor 2:16; in order to produce works of intrinsic good. Heb 13:20-21;

Last time we noted that believers are only able to comply with this mandate after they have allowed themselves to be humbled under God's mighty hand by submitting themselves to God's authority by being consistently filled with the Spirit and the communication with God's Word to the point where they have acquired capacity to fulfill God's mission. 1Pet 5:6; Heb 10:25;

The only possible way for the believer to honor God is for them to have a conscience programmed with norms, standards, and priorities that have been acquired and established from God's Word. Rom 9:1; Rom 13:5; 1Cor 8:7; 2Cor 4:2; 2Cor 5:11; Titus 1:15; Heb 9:14;

While the Old Testament does not have a specific word for conscience Paul discusses the function of the conscience in the Old Testament in Rom 2:14-15,

Verse 15 refers to the law being printed (or written) in your hearts (the right lobe of the soul), in their conscience that established the testimony in their thoughts that alternately accused or defended them based on its norms and standards. In other words God's Law was written on their conscience and it became the basis of their self-regulation and their conduct.

In this context the Greek word "nomos", translated "law" means a standard, custom or principle that is used in decision making that Paul is describing as being "printed in the heart" This printing or writing occurs as a result of repetitive study. 2Tim 2:15; KJV NET note 28

The purpose of this is for believers to be well versed in God's Word in order to be able to distinguish between the truth of the thinking of Jesus Christ and the deceitful thinking of satan and his practitioners of his deceit.

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