Class Notes: 8/30/2017

Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; The doctrine of the winner part 91;The portfolio of invisible spiritual assets

Lam 3:21-25; I recall this (God's Word of truth) to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... Therefore I have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.

In our study of the doctrine of the winner believer. Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; Winner believers are the unknown, unsung heroes of history. 2Cor 6:9; who are the targets of God's grace imputations and one of the reason why God continues to support the human race in the devil's world.

We are now in a study of the portfolio of invisible assets the God gives to every believer on the basis of Jesus' work on the cross and conveyed to believers on the basis of grace and faith at salvation as salvation grace, after salvation as logistical grace and in spiritual maturity as the escrow in the form of supergrace and ultra supergrace. James 4:6; Eph 2:7;

God cannot accept anything from mankind on the basis of merit because the corruption of the flesh by the sin nature makes all human production incompatible with God's perfect Holiness. Rom 8:3-9a; Gal 2:21;

This means that in God's plan believers can only function on the basis of grace so God provides 100% of the assets and does 100% of the work. Rom 4:2-8; Eph 2:8-10;

God actually turned the curse of the fall of mankind into a blessing by His policy of grace so that every believer would be secured by the power of His grace and not their own good works. 2Cor 4:7;

Because of this every believer receives the positional or identity assets of election and predestination at the moment of salvation. These assets provide every believer with equal privilege and opportunity to advance in God's protocol plan under His grace policy and receive their escrow blessings.

Once believers are eternally secure in their salvation and under God's protection the believer's volitional assets become a factor.

After salvation believers are to make being filled with the Spirit and learning doctrine the highest priority in their life. We don't let anything interfere with learning God's Word, and we don't let anything interfere with or compromise our application of God's Word to the circumstances of our life. Acts 5:29;

We walk by means of our own doctrine. This is how we use our volitional assets to parlay our primary positional assets and logistical grace into capacity to receive the greater grace of our escrow assets.

This is what a portfolio is designed to do. A portfolio uses existing assets to create additional assets.

Escrow blessings are attained through the use of the invisible assets of the portfolio. Without the portfolio believers could not develop a personal sense of destiny and develop capacity to receive the escrow blessings.

1Cor 2:9; "However, as it stands written, in Isa 64:4; `things (portfolio of invisible assets) the eye has not seen ( because they are invisible), things the ear has not heard (unknown through empiricism), no mind has conceived ( not visualized by rationalism) what God has prepared for those who love Him (by means of grace and faith).'"

"For those who love Him" refers to the believer who has acquired a personal sense of destiny from God's Word. A personal sense of destiny is the doctrinal capacity to love the God who always loved us. 1John 4:19;

A personal sense of destiny means that believer has spiritual self esteem that provides them with cognitive self confidence that comes from having the humility to persistently reside and function inside God's spiritual power system. 1Pet 5:6-7;

The mature believer submits to and complies with God's protocol plan with the result that he receives his escrow blessings for time by functioning in the spiritual reality of the primary positional assets by means of doctrine (faith) Heb 10:38; under the principle of not by the use of overt visible power or strength power but by means of God the Holy Spirit. Zech 4:6;

This is in compliance with God's grace policy (2Cor 12:9;) because it takes into consideration the fact that apart from God there is no intrinsic good in man and that the anger or the (righteous indignation of man to do good) does not accomplish the perfect righteousness of God. James 1:20;

This is how Moses initially failed when he killed the Egyptian slave master and had to run to Midian to save his life. Exod 2:11-12; The issue is not simply about being right. It is also about being right in the right way at the right time for the right reason.

Under the principle of grace God's people need to learn that they simply need to hold their position and wait on God. This is more true now than ever because we are in the Church Age; the age of the invisible spiritual hero.

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