Class Notes: 8/3/2023

The book of Romans part 153; Rom 3:19;

In our verse-by-verse study of Romans we are in Rom 3:19; with out Expanded Translation this far " Now we understand whatever things the law says it speaks (communicates) to those under the jurisdiction of the Law..."

We noted that those who study the Law recognize that they are condemned by the law and need to turn to God's grace for help, or they try to misuse the law to develop a system of self-righteousness and try to gain God's acceptance by trying and hoping that they can be good enough by keeping the law.

This is the essential difference between religion and Christianity. In other passages God's Word tells us that the Mosaic Law was given to the nation of Israel. Exod 19:3; Lev 26:46; Rom 9:4.

Rom 3:19; The dative of advantage indicates that the Jews were benefited spiritually, nationally and personally by having the Mosaic Law since it was the means of relating both the person and the nation to God's integrity and his grace policy.

The person was related to God's integrity by learning that sin was a sign of spiritual death and that he had to look outside of himself for salvation, and that is where the principles of the statutes that described Jesus Christ in all of His glory through the various articles of furniture in the tabernacle, the function of the Levitical priesthood, the animal sacrifices, the rituals, and the holy days.

All of these things are designed for blessing. The judgments were the basis for national blessing since the laws of divine establishment are explained in that portion of the Mosaic Law.

So the dative of advantage is very significant because it shows that having and keeping the law benefited the Jews. The law is a part of doctrine because it reveals Jesus Christ. The law was the greatest instrument of evangelism in the entire ancient world, and still is a great instrument of evangelism.

"that every mouth may be silenced" Who is doing the talking here? Anyone who goes to the Mosaic Law and tries to extract from it a system of self-righteousness, or goes to the Mosaic Law and uses its ritual as a system to try to obtain God's approval.

This phrase includes the conjunction "hina" with the subjunctive to introduce a purpose clause translated "that". With this is the nominative neuter singular of the adjective "pas," translated "all," and the nominative neuter singular of "stoma," "mouth."

Plus the aorist passive subjunctive from the verb "phrasso" that means to fence in, to block up, to shut up, to close up, or to stop.

"That every mouth may be closed" doesn't mean simply to keep people from trying to claim they can be saved by keeping the law, it means to cut off, stop, or shut down any system of thought that adds any human works to the work of Christ for eternal salvation.

So shutting up the mouth is really not the issue. The issue is really shutting down the blasphemous thoughts that cause the mouth to run.

Any time that a person says he can be saved or be spiritual by keeping a ritual, or by keeping the law, or by dong good deeds, or the function of his emotion, he is in effect blaspheming God's integrity.

The culminative aorist tense of "phrasso" views the function of the Mosaic Law in its entirety but emphasizes the existing results: the silence of all opposition to God's integrity.

The passive voice: the subject that in effect, is broadened out to include the entire human race and specifically the Jews who tried a system of religious legalism in keeping the law for salvation receives the action of the verb because the Mosaic Law condemns it.

The question arises, then: If the Mosaic Law was addressed specifically to Israel how does it bring the entire world under indictment?

The answer: Israel under the Mosaic Law stands as the representative or class of the entire human race. God not only used Israel in special ways for the priest nation function but He also used Israel as an illustration representative of the entire human race.

Israel under the law stands as a representative of the human race, and the fact that Israel failed under the Mosaic Law demonstrates the universal condemnation and guilt of the entire human race.

Any person who fails in one point of the law is guilty of the entire law (James 2:10.) In the test case of Israel every mouth is closed. This is a Jewish idiom for guilt from having no defense against God's integrity.

The law demonstrates to the entire world, both Jew and Gentile, that they are guilty as far as God's integrity is concerned. His righteousness rejects sinfulness; His justice pronounces the penalty: spiritual death and no possibility of having a relationship with God on the basis of anything man arrange or perform.

The subjunctive mood is a potential subjunctive used to introduce a purpose clause, and since the Mosaic Law is also a part of the Word of God that abides forever it stands as the basis of condemnation forever.

The commandments contained in the Mosaic Law logically come first, all of those commandments that demonstrate sinfulness. Personal sin demonstrates spiritual death.

The possession of the old sin nature is the basis and the source of spiritual death. We commit personal sins because we are spiritually dead, we do not become spiritually dead by the committing sins.

At the moment of physical birth we have the imputation of Adam's sin, we have the old sin nature, and that is the basis of spiritual death.

From the old sin nature come personal sins. Sins are a simply a manifestation of what we are. Sin is not the means of becoming spiritually dead death is the source of sin.

Rom 3:19; "and all the world" the connective "kai" translated "and" plus the nominative singular "pas" translated "all", plus the subject, the nominative singular of "kosmos;" "world." "And all the world."

"may become" aorist active subjunctive of the verb "ginomai." The aorist tense is a culminative aorist that views the accountability in its entirety but regards it from the viewpoint of existing results.

The result is always condemnation. Every time we as believers commit a sin we recognize our former condition, that we were formerly spiritually dead. For the unbeliever, every time he sins it is a manifestation of his current status of spiritual death before God.

He is spiritually dead, that means no capability of establishing a relationship with God on the basis of his own actions or his own works. The active voice: the entire human race produces the action of the verb, of being liable to judgment. The subjunctive mood is the continuation of the purpose clause.

"accountable" the predicate nominative from the noun "hupodikos." This word was first used by Aeschylus to indicate a person who is culpable, who deserves blame; a person who is so guilty from the facts that they must be subjected to trial, and who is already condemned long before the trial occurs.

"to the God" - the dative singular of "Theos", with the definite article "ho" used to describe someone the reader knows very well (Jesus Christ).

Expanded Translation Rom 3:19; "But we understand that whatever things the Mosaic Law says, it speaks to those under the jurisdiction of the law: that every mouth may be closed, and the whole world may become accountable to the God (Jesus Christ)."

We see from this that the entire world of mankind is subject to God's justice because justice is a part of God's integrity. Because of God's perfect integrity the result of the Law is condemnation and liability to punishment, apart from salvation.

The infinite, eternal, self-existing, immutable God has integrity. In other words, God has had and always will, absolute integrity from eternity past. Exod 15:11; Exod 19:10-16; Isaiah 6:3.

This holiness or integrity of God is required in man before he can go from condemnation to eternal salvation and justification. God isn't going to accept any one of us until we have His integrity for justification 2Cor 7:1; 1Thes 3:13; 1Thes 4:7.

God's integrity is maintained by His perfect essence. It is God's unchangeable self. God's integrity is God's holiness acting toward other beings. God's righteousness is perfect, demanding perfect righteousness. God's judgments are perfect, demanding perfection in His creatures.

God's justice administers the penalty that God's righteousness demands. In righteousness God's love for His integrity revealed. In justice God's hatred for sin revealed.

God is not arbitrary. Righteousness demands righteousness; justice demands justice. Therefore integrity demands integrity. God cannot change. He must punish sin, self-righteousness and evil.

The penalties that God executes from His justice are not vindictive, they are vindicating. Therefore God has provided the Mosaic Law, one third of which is to condemn us.

God has provided not the law but Jesus Christ to vindicate or justify the one who will adjust to God's justice by believing in Jesus Christ.

In other words, from the same perfect integrity God provides two factors with opposite purposes: the law to condemn and Jesus Christ to save.

With unchangeable sin, self-righteousness and evil there is unchangeable condemnation and judgment. However, in grace God provides through the judgment of Jesus Christ on the cross all He demands in condemnation.

All He demands therefore comes from His perfect integrity.

In relating to Himself God's spirituality or personality is supreme, but in His relationship to man God's integrity is supreme. Where man is concerned integrity takes precedence over all other divine attributes.

The Mosaic Law reveals God's integrity in three ways: Codex #1, the commandments reveal condemnation; Codex #2, the statutes reveal salvation by grace and faith alone; Codex #3, the judgments reveal freedom when human government functions in accord with the principles of laws of Divine establishment.

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