Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

God's impersonal love is the model for the believer's impersonal love

In our continuing study of the doctrine of love, we are just about finished with our discussion regarding impersonal love. Last time we concluded with the idea that virtue is more important than personality because if you are so focused on doing your job as to the Lord that what others see is your virtue not your personality.

One does not have to have a good personality to do their job as unto the Lord. Focusing on personality or trying to improve it is unnecessary, because one's personality is not even an issue in life. Personality only becomes an issue in the subjectivity of degeneracy and human solutions.

Some people are emotional, some are outgoing; others are hard and tough; some are kind and thoughtful, but none of this makes any difference because with virtue, there is capacity for success in any venue of life.

Remember virtue and integrity comes from capacity and capacity comes from humility.

Impersonal love is much greater than personality. Jesus did not command for us to have a pleasing personality, but he did command virtue love and the outward expression of virtue love is a professional attitude.

Some summary points regarding impersonal love are as follows:

Impersonal love is unconditional love directed toward all mankind as a result of maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

Since it is unconditional, impersonal love emphasizes the virtue of the subject rather than the status quo of the object. Being unconditional, impersonal love is the virtue and integrity of the subject being stronger than any problem related to the object.

Impersonal love is the spiritual status quo of the believer in spiritual adulthood where the integrity of the subject exceeds the unattractiveness of the object.

Impersonal love possesses both virtue and problem solving capabilities.

Personal love is limited to a few people; impersonal love is directed toward the entire human race.

The subjectivity of personal love is often motivated to succumb to the sins of the arrogance or emotion. The objectivity of impersonal love is the status of virtue, honor, and integrity in relationship to all mankind.

Impersonal love is motivated by love for God and occupation with Christ and therefore is non-discriminating. Personal love is motivated by it's attraction to a few and is therefore, prejudiced and discriminating.

Some summary points comparing impersonal love and personal love include:

Personal love always emphasizes the attractiveness of the object of love. Personal love requires the object to have attractiveness, rapport, and compatibility with the subject.

This means that personal love is conditional and impersonal love is unconditional.

Impersonal love emphasizes the subject, who must have a virtue and integrity that is so strong that it reaches out to the entire human race. The human race can be obnoxious or attractive, beautiful or ugly or someone who loves or hates you.

It makes no difference because the virtue of the subject is stronger than any handicap in the object.

Impersonal love is the most tranquil system in the world and becomes the way the believer in the cognitive independence of spiritual autonomy relates to others.

Personal love is directed toward a few; impersonal love is directed toward all.

Personal love toward human beings has no built-in virtue. Impersonal love contains built-in virtue and therefore has capacity for true love in friendship, romance, marriage, and all interaction with human beings.

Impersonal love is the functional virtue of all human relationships as well as the major problem solving factor of spiritual autonomy when facing momentum testing.

Personal love is based on the attractiveness or rapport with the object; impersonal love is based on the virtue, honor and integrity of the subject.

Personal love is a possessive and subjective attitude toward a few. Impersonal love is an objective and relaxed mental attitude towards everyone.

Personal love is the expression of man's ego. Impersonal love is the expression of man's virtue.

Personal love is vulnerable to arrogance and hypersensitivity. Impersonal love is free from arrogance, jealousy, hatred, bitterness, and implacability, being controlled by guilt, self-pity, or revenge motivation.

Personal love discriminates; impersonal love is non-discriminating.

Impersonality is the quality of not involving one's personal feelings or emotions toward the object. This means that there's no reaction to personality conflict, that is one of the major problems of momentum testing.

The only way to avoid reacting to people in life is with the function of impersonal love so impersonal love becomes the response of virtue, rather than the reaction of antagonism.

Impersonal love is the sum total of the believer's honor, integrity, and objectivity that is acquired in the cognitive self confidence of spiritual self-esteem, becomes stronger in cognitive independence of spiritual autonomy, and is completely functioning in the cognitive invincibility of spiritual maturity.

Impersonal love becomes the basis of the believer's function of their royal ambassadorship. 2Cor 5:17-20;

Personal love is weak because it depends on rapport with the object. But impersonal love is strong because it depends on the virtue of the believer in spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, or spiritual maturity.

The emphasis of impersonal love is always the honor, virtue; integrity of the subject in spiritual adulthood, any obnoxiousness or antagonism of an object is never an issue.

Impersonal love is unconditional; therefore, it's tolerant, unprejudiced, thoughtful and considerate, no matter how great the adversity of antagonism.

Impersonal love is the total objectivity of spiritual autonomy, because it is never distracted from its virtue by hatred, antagonism, malice, or prejudice from someone else.

Believers in spiritual autonomy do fail, but recovery should be quick and momentum in the spiritual life maintained.

Impersonal love does not involve one's feelings in personal conflict, and does not react to hostility or antagonism from others resulting in life being very tranquil.

Since the object of impersonal love is all believers, your neighbors, and the entire human race, it has to be both virtuous and unconditional. Unconditional means no merit or expectation is assigned to the object.

Impersonal love is the mandate of the Christian way of life, while personal love is optional.

We have seen that the precedence for integrity or impersonal love is the Love of God so we will now start a study on God's love.

The love of God as a divine attribute is complete and total from eternity past.

This means God does not fall in love. He is not attracted to people. He does not maintain his love. It is part of His eternal being.

The attribute of divine love makes it impossible for any member of the Godhead to compromise His integrity. That is why Christ had to go to the cross. The justice of God is the most important thing we deal with in life. Integrity is always more important than love.

The divine attribute of love is always linked to God's holiness that is composed of his justice and righteousness, and never functions apart from it. Divine love can never be divorced from God's perfect standard.

Because of this, all divine government and all of God's administration to His creatures is related directly to His justice. The justice of God has absolute authority over all creatures.

In the garden of Eden, God set up a perfect system of justice. God's mandate was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This means that Divine justice was the issue in the garden.

Spiritual death was the result of rejection of divine integrity. If God's love had been functioning without regard to his holiness, there would have been no tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Because of God's infinite perfection and the very nature of all His attributes, justice functions with total impartiality regardless of whether it involves blessing or cursing.


© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on 8/4/2010