Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

The personal sense of destiny requires the cognition of God's grace policy

In the continuation of our study of the personal sense of destiny we are presently looking at the personal sense of destiny in context of God's grace policy.

Last time we saw the use of the elative conclusion of (2Cor 12:9-10;) that establishes an absolute and eliminating all relatives in the spiritual life.

The absolute is the divine solution. The relative is the human solution. Believers are designed to be spiritually autonomous and independent of human solutions.

Metabolized or epignosis doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness creates the divine solutions, that comprise the only legitimate and accurate system of application of Bible doctrine to experience.

The personal sense of destiny is both the means and the result of the application of doctrine to experience.

As a means of application of Bible doctrine, a personal sense of destiny applies the doctrinal principles and rationales to the problems of life.

As a result of the application of Bible doctrine, a personal sense of destiny motivates the advance in the spiritual skills and the deployment of the advanced problem solving devices.

This is how self- motivation in the believer's soul reaches its peak. Self-motivation comes through the use of the spiritual skills. All three spiritual skills provide the only legitimate motivation for the advance in the spiritual life to the maximum glorification of God.

This consistent function in the three spiritual skills is offensive action and results in victory in the spiritual life. We learn to execute God's plan of grace. Col 2:6;

A personal sense of destiny establishes right priorities and true spiritual values and creates the spiritual environment for the function of the advanced problem solving devices resulting in the motivation to make good decisions from a position of strength and the advance to spiritual maturity.

A personal sense of destiny provides self-motivation for perseverance in the function of the spiritual skills. All motivation must come from free volition.

The pastor's job is to simply communicate the information. It is not he pastor's job to force or lead believers into a course of action or into some system of production.

The advance includes moving forward through the categories of momentum testing with full use of all of the problem solving devices with emphasis on the advanced problem solving devices.

It is a personal sense of destiny that applies metabolized doctrine to experience, that results in winning the battles of the soul, including the battle of stress in the soul, the battle of sin in the soul, the battle of false doctrine in the soul, the battle of false solutions.

Adversity is a challenge to the motivation and momentum of a personal sense of destiny. Adversity includes: rejection from others, unjust treatment, being a victim of vilification, loss of health, economic disaster, criminal disaster, weather disaster, and historical disaster.

When adversity hits unexpectedly, the problem solving devices that are deployed on the perimeter of the soul may be driven back because of fear. They must then rally and counterattack starting with rebound and the application of the faith rest drill. Psa 56:3-4;

Adversity is the outside pressures of life. Stress is the inside pressure of the soul. Adversity is inevitable, but stress is optional. Adversity is what circumstances do to you, stress is what you do to yourself. Stress in the soul is damaging to the spiritual life.

When adversity attacks, you do not have to permit it break through the defensive line of doctrine in your soul and allow it to create stress in your soul.

Adversity is often permitted by God as a part of the momentum testing necessary for spiritual advance. When the believer uses the problem solving devices deal with adversity the believer is an overcomer and a winner.

When adversity breaks through and becomes stress in the soul, it temporarily destroys the spiritual life and the believer is not overcoming or winning until recovery is made.

Stress in the soul means the sin nature is in control of the soul and the command post of the stream of consciousness is put out of action and the believer suffers either temporary or permanent loss of spiritual life, depending on the believer's use of the rebound technique to recover.

Stress in the soul destroys the spiritual skills including the function of a personal sense of destiny. The execution of the rebound technique is necessary for restoration of the filling ministry of God the Holy Spirit and recovery of fellowship with God.

When the sin nature takes control of the soul and there is no recovery, the spiritual life of the believer implodes and fragments into the function of the arrogance skills, the arrogance complex of sins, the emotional complex of sins, reversionism, moral degeneracy from legalism, and immoral degeneracy from antinomianism.

The FLOT line of the believer's soul where the problem solving devices are deployed as doctrine is learned is designed for defensive action against the Satan and the demons and offensive action through the function of the three spiritual skills.

Defensive action is described in the Greek verb "anthisemi" that is translated "resist" and means " to hold your ground," James 4:7; 1 Pet 5:9; Eph 6:13. We see from this that Believers are not to take direct offensive action against Satan and his demons.

Legalism and Christian activism attempts to take direct offensive action against Satan, while grace orientation with the problem solving devices deployed in the soul remains defensive against Satan, and results in the believer staying clear the field of fire for the omnipotent power of God to be used from heaven in direct offensive action against Satan.

The protocol plan of God for the Church demands the deployment of the spiritual skills so that the believer can hold the high ground in defensive action. This results in the believer becoming an overcomer or winner and an invisible hero.

Once the high ground has been maintained with defensive action, the principle of offensive action comes into play under the principle that "the battle is the Lord's"

Christian offensive action is the utilization of the divine initiative of grace to become a winner believer. The winner believer is consistent in the function of the three spiritual skills, executes the protocol plan of God for the Church, utilizes equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan; and therefore, the winner believer utilizes the divine initiative of antecedent grace in eternity past.

Offensive action uses the FLOT line of the soul as a staging area for the application of metabolized Bible doctrine to experience.

The ten problem solving devices take the offensive in the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God, resulting in the believer being filled with all the fullness from God.

The problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul are the only accurate and legitimate system for the application of Bible doctrine to postsalvation experience. Any application apart from these ten problem solving devices is false, erroneous, and leads to spiritual disaster.

The problem solving devices are formed on the FLOT line of the soul from a combination of the filling of the Spirit and metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness.

Paul describes this in 1Cor 2:9-16; "But as it stands written, `What eye has not seen (empiricism) and the ear has not heard (rationalism), furthermore it has not entered into the right lobe of mankind, what God has prepared for those who love Him.'

v10 But to us for our benefit God has revealed them (the doctrines) through the Spirit; for the Spirit investigates all things, even the deep things from God.

v11 For who among men understands the thoughts of a man except the soul-life, which is in him? Even so the thoughts from God no one has known except the Spirit from God.

1Cor 2:12; But we have not received, a human I.Q. of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that He might make known to us the things which have been graciously given to us by God,

v13 which things we also do not communicate in words taught by human wisdom, but in doctrines taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to spiritual persons.

v14 But the soulish person ( the unbeliever or believer out of fellowship) does not receive the things from the Spirit of God; for to him it is senseless. Furthermore he is not able to understand, because it (Bible doctrine) is only discerned in a manner caused by the filling of the Spirit.

v15 But the spirit filled believer discerns all things, but he himself is discerned by no one.

v16 For who knows the thinking of the Lord, that he should instruct Him? But we keep on having the mind of Christ (the word of God)."


© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on 4/6/2011