Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Mark 11:22-25; The Doctrine of Faith Rest part 9. Even though the imperative mood is the mood of intention at the same time it is the mood farthest removed from certainty.

In our study of Mark we are in Mark 11:22-25; where Jesus explains to His disciples the principles for the function of faith-rest and based on this we have taken up a study of faith-rest where we have seen that faith rest is essentially understanding, believing and resting in what God's Word tells us for the dispensation we live in and waiting for God to come through for us in His way and time.

When we stopped last time we were noting faith-rest as the coordinator of the power options of the filling of the Holy Spirit and metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness.

We saw that as part of the spiritual life we have to execute 1John 1:9; and 1Cor 11:31; under the principle of Amos 3:3; and Rev 3:20; in order to meet with God when we have entered into the state of sin nature control of the soul.

This involves using our volition to comply with the positive mandates found in Eph 5:18; Gal 5:16; and Gal 5:25; and the negative mandates found in 1Thes 5:19; and Eph 4:30;

The imperative mood is the mood of intention. It is the mood FARTHEST REMOVED FROM CERTAINTY. Daniel B. Wallace Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics - Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament page 485.

This means that when God's Word uses an imperative mood it expresses a desire but assumes the potential and the REALITY of noncompliance otherwise the imperative would not be used.

When this principle of the Greek language is properly understood we see that Eph 5:18; is actually a double mandate. "Stop being continuously drunk with wine (present passive imperative) and instead start being continuously filled with the spirit (present passive imperative).

This verse contains the dual mandates to stop persisting in one activity and start persisting in another mutually exclusive activity.

God's mandates are therefore commands for us to use our positive volition to obey followed by the use of faith rest to believe God's Word as it is accurately communicated in order for the information to be understood and available for use.

One of the greatest functions of faith-rest is the challenge to use faith execution to establish a harmonious relationship for the interactions of the problem solving devices and thereby to prevent to outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

Coordination is defined as the harmonious combination and the interaction of the functions on the defense line of the soul. This coordination and interaction of problem solving devices is directly related to faith recall and execution.

The function of faith-rest in the application of the essence of God rationale coordinates personal love for God and occupation with Christ on the defensive perimeter of the soul.

Doctrinal orientation, a personal sense of destiny, and impersonal integrity love for all mankind require the function of the faith rest recall in their application to the plan of God rationale.

The grace of God in dealing with mankind demands the function of faith-rest in the application and interaction of grace orientation along with faith rest. Faith rest coordinates personal love for God with sharing the perfect happiness of God and establishes the virtue of integrity love for all mankind.

A prerequisite for faith-rest is humility that establishes objectivity. Humility is established from authority orientation, grace orientation, and doctrinal orientation and establishes the necessary objectivity for teachability.

Humility is the antithesis of arrogance. It is the attitude that is produced by maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness of the soul. 1Cor 15:10; 2Cor 10:13; Rom 12:3;


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