Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Mark 12:37; Matt 22:46; The doctrine of negative volition part 3

In our study of Mark we are holding at Mark 12:37 and taking a couple of side trips into the doctrine of negative volition and the doctrine of operation footstool because they came up Jesus' confrontations with the Jewish leaders who remained in unbelief.

When we stopped last time we were in 2Pet 2:20-22; where Peter discusses the compounding of negative volition when an unbeliever who is negative at God consciousness is presented with the gospel and remains in unbelief.

When the unbeliever attains God consciousness and becomes negative, he enters satans cosmic system. When his mind is blinded under the principle of the blackout of the soul that Peter refers to as "a state that is worse than the first."

When the unbeliever hears the presentation of the Gospel via some form of evangelism, the Holy Spirit under common grace briefly takes the unbeliever out of the cosmic system so that he can hear and understand the issue of the Gospel.

But once the person says no to the Gospel and rejects Jesus Christ, he returns to the cosmic system where he regards the Gospel under the principle of the word of the cross being foolish to those who are perishing instead of recognizing it as the power of God.

1Cor 1:18; "The doctrine of the cross is foolish to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God to those who are being saved

Rom 1:16; "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile."

Negative volition also occurs in believers when they refuse to use the rebound technique. This causes the grace apparatus for spiritual perception to malfunction because even though they listen to doctrine they are not spirit taught because they are not filled with the Spirit.

Failure to be filled with the Spirit means there is no teaching ministry of the Spirit so no doctrine is taught to the right lobe of the soul (the mind) so there is no doctrine available to be transferred to the left lobe of the soul (the heart).

This means they have knosis rather than epignisis doctrine resulting in human viewpoint rather than divine viewpoint because there is no epignosis doctrine resident in the soul to be recalled and applied under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

Negative volition in believers can also result in the refusal to use or rejection of the efficacy of the faith-rest technique. This is the believer in secondary negative volition where he fails to appropriate promises and fails to recall and apply doctrine that he has already learned and mix them with his faith for application under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

Negative volition also the reason believers are inconsistent in doctrine. This occurs when a believer only takes in doctrine when he is under pressure. He is an occasional hearer of the Word. This is the person who only exposes himself to doctrine when he wants something from God, or only when he has a problem that he wants God to fix.

This inconsistency leads to reversionism. These believers only listen to doctrine or assemble to hear Gods Word when they God to do something for them. They want to use God rather than have God use them.

Many believers came to church immediately after the attacks in Sept 2011 but soon after the threat was thought to be diminished many believers stopped going to church and went back to what they were doing prior to the attack so God is now ramping up the pressure again only this time the consequences are likely to be much more severe than last time.

God does perform miracles but He does not generally fix believers problems by performing magic (miracles) he fixes them with the application of His Word (faith).

God generally works this way because miracles depend exclusively on God's sovereignty and omnipotence but application of doctrine glorifies God because the believer is expressing positive volition to God's Word.

When God is actually inclined to use miracles as in the case of Jesus ministry, negative volition actually restrains God's freedom to do miracles because of the rules of engagement in the angelic conflict and because God's purpose for miracles is to promote His Word. Mark 6:4-6;

That was Saul's problem. Saul had negative volition but he still wanted God to help him when he was in trouble but God wouldn't answer him because of his negative volition toward God's Word.

Because God refused to answer him Saul compounded his negative volition and went to the witch of Endor where he held a séance where nothing happened until Samuel entered the scene and told him he was going to die because of his negative volition to doctrine.

Negative volition is also indicated when a believer who takes in doctrine until something causes them to react in self pity and they become obsessed with themselves and their obsession causes him to be disillusioned, discouraged, frustrated or bored.

Saul is an example of this as well. Saul's self pity was triggered by his jealousy of David. His obsession with God's selection of David to succeed him caused him to move into a frantic search for happiness where he tried to destroy and discredit David in vengeful implacability to the point where he tried to murder him and actually did murder those who helped him.

Instead of finding the happiness he sought he wound up under reverse process reversionism and the sin unto death because of his locked in negative volition to God's word.

Negative volition is also indicated when the believer in emotional revolt becomes negative to doctrine and uses their emotion as the criterion for everything. When believers do this they become blind of soul because they feels their way through life instead of using doctrinal perception. Heb 10:38;


© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on 10/12/2014