Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; The doctrine of witnessing part 14

In our study of the doctrine of witnessing Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; we are examining the doctrines that undergird the gospel so that we understand how and why it is God alone who made it possible for our so great salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Eph 2:8-9;

Last time we concluded the study of the 6th imputation of grace blessing after salvation and took up a study of the 7th imputation of eternal rewards that starts at the judgment seat of Christ where the believer is evaluated and receives the imputation of eternal blessings that correspond to the grace blessings that were imputed during the believer's life on the earth after their salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ alone.

Just before we stopped last time we noted Luke 19:13-26; where some believers are given rulership of cities during the millennium. We saw that this imputation corresponded to their production during their life in time.

Another eternal reward some will receive is eternal access to the eternal city that descends from heaven when the new heavens and earth are created. Heb 11:10,13,16; Rev 21:2, 10-11; Some will be rewarded for participating in God's work to deliver of mankind from satan's tyranny. Matt 13:8,23;

Some of rewards that are imputed are described as crowns. 2 Tim 4:7-8, refers to the crown of righteousness, given for the development of capacity righteousness that resulted in the mature believer receiving imputations from the eternal escrow during their physical life in time.

James 1:12; and Rev 2:10 describe the crown of life. Phil 4:1;1Thes 2:19-20; and 1 Pet 5:4, describe the crown of glory for believers who attain ultrasupergrace capacity and. 1Cor 4:8; 2Tim 2:12; and Rev 5:10; refer to believers ruling with God.

This concludes our study of the doctrine of imputations and brings us to the next doctrine that the believer must understand in order to be an effectively witness for Jesus Christ in the devil's world.

The doctrine of reconciliation that addresses the issue of the barrier that exists between God and man that was created when satan incited first sin in the garden that Paul describes in Eph 2:14-18;

Reconciliation is stated as a doctrine in 2Cor 5:18;, "Now all these things are from God who has reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation." Eph 2:16; Col 1:20-21;

"Eirene" is the Greek word for "peace" that is used to refer to the doctrine of reconciliation because reconciliation is "peace with God"

In Eph 2:14-15, 17; Eph 4:3; and Eph 6:15; Peace" and "reconciliation" are synonymous terms

Reconciliation is one of the facets of Jesus' salvation work on the cross. Eph 2:16, 4:3; Col 1:20;


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