Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; The doctrine of the winner part 37

Lam 3:21-25; I recall this (doctrine) to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... Therefore I have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.

In our study of the doctrine of the winner believer. Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; We have noted that winner believers are the unknown, unsung heroes of history. 2Cor 6:9; who are the targets of God's grace imputations and the reason that God continues to support the human race.

We are now in a segment where we are discussing the ultimate winner in God's plan, our Lord Jesus Christ. The passage in Heb 12:2; establishes Jesus as the as the pioneer and perfecter of faith (the doctrine) because He was the first one to deploy the spiritual power system that became the spiritual power system for the Church Age.

Last time we noted that Jesus illustrated this power system under the kenosis protocol for His unique identity during His evidence testing. Matt 4:1-10;

In all three tests, He utilized the power of the Word of God provided by the omnipotence of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit provided under God's protocol for his unglorified inside the prototype divine power system.

In the first test, Matt 4:3-4; Jesus had gone forty days without food and was therefore extremely hungry. Satan tempted the humanity of Christ regarding His relationship to the delegated power of omnipotence of the Holy Spirit and God's Word.

Our Lord used God's Word that He had learned under the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit to solve the problem so He did not use His divine omnipotence to turn the stones into bread.

Recognizing His state of extreme hunger, Satan said to Him, "If you are the Son of God (and you are), command these stones to be turned into bread."

Satan recognized that Jesus Christ was God and that as God He had infinite, eternal, immutable omnipotence and was the Creator of the universe. Satan understood that Jesus had the power to turn not only the stones but also the entire universe into bread.

But under the kenosis protocol, He was not permitted to use His omnipotence independently of the Father's will so He refused to rely upon His own omnipotence at any time during the incarnation.

He relied exclusively on the power that was available to Him through the omnipotence of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Rather than obey satan, Our Lord chose to continue to be hungry, and overcame Satan's temptation by quoting Deut 8:3, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

We see from this that God's Word was His highest priority in life, and He used the power of Bible doctrine to overcome every challenge that He faced.

Satan's temptation was designed to lure the humanity of Christ away from reliance upon the omnipotence of the Father for His logistical grace, and upon the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside the prototype spiritual power system.

Had our Lord used His own omnipotence to turn the stones into food, He would have operated independently of the Father's plan. His humanity would have received food, but He would have lost his impeccability so He would not have been able to fulfill his role to become God's sin substitute for mankind on the cross.

Our Lord used God's Word that He had learned inside the prototype spiritual power system to meet the test and overcome it.

According to Luke 2:52; Jesus "kept on increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man," a reference to His humanity advancing inside the unique prototype spiritual power system.

Under the kenosis protocol the humanity of Christ in Hypostatic Union voluntarily restricted the independent use of His divine attributes, including omnipotence, in compliance with the Father's plan for His incarnation in unglorified humanity.

Instead, our Lord's unglorified humanity depended upon two categories of divine omnipotence, that had previously not been available to the extent that they were inside the prototype spiritual power system.

He relied exclusively on the omnipotence of the Father in logistical grace support, and the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside the prototype spiritual power system.

Instead of using His own omnipotence to turn stones into bread He used God's Word of truth that He had metabolized under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Because He complied with the kenosis protocol he established precedence for and became the role model for believers in the Church Age who are instructed to deploy this same spiritual power system. Heb 12:2;

Under the kenosis protocol the undiminished deity of Christ did not surrender His divine attributes or empty His deity but Jesus Christ did voluntarily restricted the independent use of His relative attributes in compliance with the Father's plan for His incarnation in unglorified humanity.

This was the issue that satan challenged in the wilderness temptations.

Jesus Christ did not use His divine attributes for His own glory. He didn't give up His deity, but according to the Father's plan He voluntarily surrendered the independent expression of that deity.

To fulfill the Father's plan for the First Advent, the humanity of Christ relied exclusively on the spiritual power system that God the Father provided. That system included logistical grace, the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, and Bible doctrine in His soul.

He submitted Himself to the Father's plan and did not consider the independent expression of His deity and the independent exercise of His divine attributes to be "a gain to be seized and held,"

Jesus Christ voluntarily complied with the Father's plan and took on the form of a servant in order to redeem man from sin, reconcile man to God, and propitiate the Father.

In fulfilling the mission of the First Advent, Jesus Christ did not exercise His divine attributes to benefit Himself, to provide for Himself, or to glorify Himself.

Christ gave up the outward appearance (schema) of God, Phil 2:8; but not the essence (morphe) of God, Phil 2:7;

Christ voluntarily took upon Himself "the form (morphe) of man," Phil 2:7; For this reason He prayed for glorification of His true humanity, John 17:5.

Jesus Christ never relinquished His deity or His divine glory, but at that point His unglorified humanity (form of man) had not yet achieved the strategic victory of the angelic conflict so Jesus was praying for victory for His humanity over satan and his cosmic systems of arrogance and hatred.

The power of the sustaining ministry of God the Holy Spirit was part of the kenosis protocol for the humanity of Christ.

Isaiah prophesied that a spiritual power system would come where he stated that God the Holy Spirit would indwell a human and fill the soul. Jesus Christ was the first to receive this ministry. Isa 11:1-3; Isa 42:1; Isa 61:1;

This was the ministry of God the Holy Spirit that started with His conception, Matt 1:20; and was subsequently never restricted or interrupted in any way. John 3:34;

The filling ministry of the Holy Spirit is related to Jesus' baptism. Matt 3:16; and His public ministry, Matt 12:18, 28; Luke 4:14-15;

The omnipotence of the Holy Spirit sustained Jesus Christ while He was bearing our sins on the cross and continued as the agent in His resurrection, Rom 8:11; 1Pet 3:18;


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