Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; The doctrine of the winner part 81;The portfolio of invisible spiritual assets

Lam 3:21-25; I recall this (God's Word of truth) to my mind, and it gives me confidence. Because The Lord's mercy never fails; His grace provisions never cease, they are renewed every morning; Great is Your faithfulness... Therefore I have hope in Him. The Lord is good to those who wait silently on Him.

In our study of the doctrine of the winner believer. Heb 12:2; Rev 2:7; Winner believers are the unknown, unsung heroes of history. 2Cor 6:9; who are the targets of God's grace imputations and the reason that God continues to support the human race.

We are now in a study of the portfolio of invisible assets that are conveyed to us based on Jesus' work on the cross. Last time where we noted that our portfolio of invisible assets becomes apparent only after we choose to live under the ministry of the Spirit inside God's power system and by hearing correct and accurate Bible teaching to the point that we become inculcated with God's Word that reveals God's protocol plan for the Royal Family of God.

When we left off last time we were just about to note Moses as an example of one who made full use of his portfolio of invisible assets to become a visible hero. Heb 11:24-29; NET

"By means of doctrine (pistis), he (Moses prince of Egypt) forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king (Thutmose III), he persevered; he saw the invisible spiritual assets."

Moses saw and then acted on his awareness of his portfolio of invisible spiritual assets. He saw the invisible (what doctrine revealed) that is more real than the visible and because of this he advanced through the testing associated with the stages of spiritual adulthood.

In spiritual self-esteem, he passed providential preventative suffering and reached spiritual autonomy. In spiritual autonomy, Moses made his greatest decision as a part of passing momentum testing.

Moses made his decision for God and in so doing he gave up the greatest wealth, prosperity, human influence, and romance that the world could offer him. By faith ( faith perception) Moses perceived his invisible spiritual assets so he fearlessly walked away from all of the visible prosperity that the devil's world could offer.

He departed from the Egyptian court, spent forty years in obscurity tending sheep in the desert in Midian and then returned to Egypt to lead the Jews out from slavery thereby performing one of the greatest roles of leadership in all of human history.

His leadership was based on His faith perception of his invisible spiritual assets. In living, Moses was not afraid of anyone or anything. In dying, Moses was not afraid. Like Paul, Moses perceived living and dying as the same. Phil 1:21;

Moses was one of the greatest geniuses in history. His areas of genius included engineering, music, military, and administration. He had great and rare beauty. a body of fantastic strength, and a fantastic personality.

He had been prepared become the greatest of all the emperors of Egypt but he walked away from it all because he "saw" by faith perception and chose to be identified with God and his God given portfolio of invisible spiritual assets.

The time came when he discovered his Jewish heritage and he personally accepted Jesus Christ who was about to become the God of Israel as his personal savior. He advanced to spiritual autonomy where he made the greatest decision of his life to leave the court of Egypt and rejected satan's offer to become the pharaoh of Egypt.

Moses persevered in undeserved suffering for forty years in the desert where he completed both momentum testing and evidence testing. The man who came back to the Egyptian court forty years later was not only a mature believer but he had also passed evidence testing.

Moses didn't "see He who was invisible;" he "saw the reward" he saw the invisible assets." He wasn't seeing God; he was seeing the invisible assets that God has set aside for every believer but only conveys to those who choose to use them and thereby become winners in His plan, purpose and will. Heb 11:26;

Sovereignty, love, and omniscience are the three attributes of God that our portfolio of invisible assets is based on.

God's sovereignty is His eternal, infinite, and perfect divine volition it is His eternal and infinite will that is expressed in the divine decree and revealed through God's Word of truth when viewed through the comprehensive divine interpretation of history called dispensations, and God's unique plan for the Church Age.

When God makes a decision, it is irrefutable and irrevocable. God made an irrevocable irrefutable sovereign decision in eternity past regarding your portfolio of invisible spiritual assets and its conveyance to you.

Eph 1:11; "In whom also we have received an inheritance (escrow blessings), having been predestined according to His predetermined plan ..."

During the course of human history, the sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist by divine decree. God made the decision to create a free will in every person as a counterpart to His sovereignty that would operate during human history to provide testimony for or against God during angelic conflict.

God's sovereignty is also related to His personality. Personality includes self-consciousness and self-determination. God recognizes himself as a person and as such He functions with perfect integrity and rationality.

God's infinite personality has perfect virtue. God's perfection is characterized by His perfect self-determination regarding His purpose, His provision, and His plan.

When we understand this we should be motivated by our own self-determination to learn God's Word of truth so that as our thinking is renovated with God's Word or truth that is the thinking of Christ we may advance to spiritual maturity and fulfill God's plan, directive will, and purpose for our life.

God's sovereignty is also related to His infinity. God's infinity means that God is without boundary or limitation. He unites all of the perfections that belong to His person and to His essence together in His person.

God cannot be complicated by ignorance or irrationality. God cannot use His sovereignty to sin, to tempt to sin, or to sponsor sin, human good, or evil. God cannot in any way be identified with our foolishness. In His perfection, He has provided a perfect plan and perfect resources.

Infinity characterizes all that God does through His sovereign decisions, His grace policy toward mankind functions under His perfect virtue, His omniscience, and His perfect integrity or holiness.

God's infinity includes unlimited energy and power, eternal wisdom and virtue, the complete impossibility of ever being wrong, doing wrong, or sponsoring wrong.

God's eternal glory existed before creation. Therefore His sovereignty recognizes His own glory and claims it in the interest of absolute truth that is conveyed through His Word of truth (Bible Doctrine).

God's motivation in the function of His sovereignty is for His glory therefore His sovereignty is related directly to the primary assets that God personally put into our portfolio of invisible assets. Primary assets include predestination, election and the escrow blessings that God set aside for every believer in eternity past.

God's love is related to predestination. Eph 1:4-5; "by means of love He has predestined us for the purpose of adopting us as sons." Remember there are no verse divisions in the original manuscripts so this passage is actually one big run on sentence.

God is sovereign so His love is self-motivating and totally compatible with His perfect essence. God is infinite and eternal so His love is infinite and eternal. God is holy; therefore, His love includes the perfect integrity and perfect virtue of His perfect justice and righteousness.

God the Father's love is perfect. When it is directed toward His own perfect virtue and righteousness this love becomes the pattern for our spiritual self-esteem. When it is directed toward the perfect virtue of God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, it is His perfect personal love. 1John 4:19;

Since God is perfect, eternal, and infinite, the function of His self-determination or sovereignty is always rational. This means that the expression of His love is always rational.

The application is that God cannot be complicated by irrationality so His love does not increase or diminish because it is not sentimental. God's love exists independently with or without an object. 1John 4:8;

God's love is not sustained by rapport, merit or attractiveness. Human worthiness is not the basis for God's love, just as human merit is not the basis for eternal salvation. This means that God's love is totally free from any patronizing influence. James 1:17b;

God's love functions in the three categories love: spiritual self-esteem, personal love, and impersonal integrity love. Self-esteem is His love that is directed toward His own perfect righteousness.

God's personal love is directed only toward perfect righteousness. This means God's personal love is directed toward the other Members of the Trinity, and toward everyone who has believed in Jesus Christ because they have received the imputation of God's perfect righteousness. 2Cor 5:21b; 1Cor 1:30;

Impersonal integrity love is reserved for creatures in their fallen state. It is directed toward all of unbelieving humanity who in the total depravity and spiritual death is actively functioning as God's enemy. Rom 3:10-18;

The highest expression of God's impersonal integrity love occurred when God the Father imputed all of mankind's sins to His perfect Son for whom He had infinite personal love, and when perfect Jesus Christ was willing to become sin as our substitute and be forsaken while God the Father was judging Him for all of our sins.

God's omniscience means that God knows perfectly, eternally, and simultaneously all that is knowable whether or not it is actual or possible. God knows all of our thoughts, motives, decisions and actions from eternity past.


© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on 7/26/2017