Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

The book of Romans part 75; Rom 1:31; The doctrine of Jealousy

In our verse by verse word by word study of Romans last time we finished Rom 1:30; where the itemized list of the category of evil in verse 29 continues.

We noted that in the Greek when case changes from the instrumental case to the accusative case the topic switches from a category to a list of specific attributes.

Rom 1:31; "Without understanding" is from the accusative plural of the compound adjective "asynetos" ("a" = negative; "synetos" = to know the underlying laws or meaning of an object), means to be uninformed, insensitive, senseless, foolish or ignorant.

It means not to understand the reason for a mandate, not to understand the underlying principles of life, not to understand the meaning of any object in relationship to establishment or in relationship to its spiritual connotation.

This explains the crazy insane decisions of rulers and those in authority where reversionism prevails in a national entity. This is what is occurring in the USA at the present time.

"Ignorant ones" refers to people with blackout of the soul from reversionism. People's lack of integrity in history is only exceeded by their evil. Maladjustment to God's justice is the cause of many of the disasters in human history.

"untrustworthy" is from the accusative plural from the adjective "asynthetos," that means contract or covenant breakers, faithless, or disloyal.

This is the lack of honor and integrity that is characteristic of the reversionist. It also infers a lack of sense of duty and honor, and a lack of a sense of responsibility both of which are necessary even for basic human integrity.

"unloving" accusative plural from the compound adjective "astorgos" ("a" = negative; "storgos" = natural family affection), like the love of parents for children) that comes to mean unloving or lack of capacity for love, or devoid of the instincts of love.

Man is at his noblest when he treats people with justice rather than love because the highest form of love that mankind can have includes a total sense of justice. In leadership it is better to treat people with justice than to be loving and sweet.

Human love is emotional; justice is rational. Capacity for love is based upon honor and integrity. Man's honor and integrity is related to his sense of justice, not to his love. The command to obey the command "Love the brethren" does not require human sentimentality, but it does require justice.

"unmerciful" "aneleemon" (a = negative; eleemon = to be merciful, sympathetic or compassionate) unmerciful means implacable or ruthless.

The separate word "implacable" inserted in the list in the KJV is not in the original.

Expanded Translation Rom 1:31; "Ignorant ones, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful."

This is the end of the list of the attributes of evil so we will take a few side trips into the some of the areas listed.

Expanded Translation: Rom 1:29; "Being fully influenced by all categories of anti-justice, by a state of evil, by inordinate desire, by function of evil; full of envy, full of murder, full of dissention (strife or discord), full of treachery, full of evil craftiness; they have become whisperers."

Expanded Translation Rom 1:30: "Backbiters, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, boasters, conjurers of evil, disobedient to parents."

Expanded Translation Rom 1:31; "Ignorant ones, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful."

First we will look at the doctrine of jealousy because it is the root cause of envy. This doctrine will be confined to the mental attitude sins of jealousy.

We will not address the anthropopathisms where the word jealous is used to describe God. Exod 20:5; NET note 14

Jealousy is defined as unpleasant fear, suspicion, resentment from mistrust of another, it is obvious that the state of envy is a part of the arrogance complex of sins and the emotional complex of sins.

Envy is an attitude or feeling of discontent. It is envy with regard to another's advantages or successes or possessions or how they have mistreated you in your imagination or in reality.

Jealousy is a part of the arrogance complex of sins related to bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, inordinate ambition and competition, revenge motivation, and the function of vilification.

As an emotional sin, jealousy functions in two directions, first, arrogance toward self that is subjective arrogance and second, possessiveness of others, that is objective arrogance.

Jealousy is related to the categories of the emotional complex of sins. As a sin of arrogance, jealousy motivates sins of emotion. As a sin of emotion, jealousy becomes irrational.

The hysterical category of sins includes fear, fear of rivalry, fear of losing someone's affection, fear of unfaithfulness in some form, worry, anxiety, panic, consternation, irrationality, dissociation. Jealousy is irrational in its resentment and hatred of others.

The hatred category of sins includes uncontrollable anger, implacable hatred, bitter resentment, implacable vindictiveness, loathing, animosity, tantrums, violence, murder.

The self-centered category of sins includes self-pity, egotistical irrationality, that are expressed by dissatisfaction through gossip, slander, maligning, and other forms of vilification. This is arrogant preoccupation with self, irrationality, and the implacable attitude toward the object of jealousy.

The reaction category combines emotional sins with the arrogance sins. Jealousy is related to both complexes of sins. Jealousy has a reactor factor called guilt. Jealousy is a part of revenge motivation.

Under the guilt category jealousy results in irrationality where the person often regrets and feels guilty about the things he has done. Guilt is failure to recognize your own sins and failures in the proper perspective.

The proper perspective is that Jesus Christ was judged for your sins on the Cross and that you are responsible to simply acknowledge or name those sins to God the Father for forgiveness.


© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on 9/11/2022