Grace and Truth
Bible Ministries

The book of Romans part 112; Rom 2:15; Doctrine of the Conscience part 4

In our verse by verse study of Romans we finished Rom 2:15; with the expanded translation "The very ones who demonstrate the accomplishment of the law written in their hearts, their conscience confirming the testimony, in fact their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending themselves;"

This brought us to the doctrine of the conscience where last time we noted that the great power experiment of the Church Age demands that believers function in God's protocol plan that requires the omnipotence of God Holy Spirit that comes from the believer's residence inside God's spiritual power system through the Holy Spirit's filling ministry.

God's power and human power are mutually exclusive. Human power cannot serve God or fulfill His plan for the believer's life. Human power destroys the conscience and results in dead works.

Legalism, asceticism, ritual, emotion, social justice, or doing human good works do not and cannot execute God's plan, purpose, or will.

Serving God requires the use of the power that only God can supply under the filling ministry of God the Holy Spirit in synergy with the application of the power provided by Bible doctrine that has been learned under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit that establish accurate norms and standards for the conscience and the basis of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The conscience is a vehicle for the deployment of the problem solving devices of the God's protocol plan. If your norms and standards respond to guilt, then you have a weak conscience.

For example, if you rebound and you still feel guilty, you have a weak conscience from lack of doctrinal norms and standards in your conscience.

When the norms and standards of the conscience are formed from Christian moral degeneracy, then the conscience is weak and can only identify with dead works. However, when Bible doctrine is applied to the circumstances of life through the mechanics of the problem solving devices norms and standards from Bible doctrine also enter the conscience.

When the norms and standards of the conscience make the proper application of rebound. The believer simply names his sins to God, and because he has a strong conscience, he knows they are forgiven immediately so there is no battle with guilt, no penitence, no self-doubt and therefore no opportunity for satan or one of his minions to manipulate you with guilt or fear.

There is no trying to make it up to God because God's Word explicitly tells us that when rebound is applied to the conscience all sin is forgiven and all guilt is removed because you know without a doubt from God's absolute Word of truth that when you rebound you are purified from all wrongdoing.

When the norms and standards of the conscience are formed from Bible doctrine, the believer develops grace orientation as a problem-solving device.

2Cor 1:12; "Now this is our boast (esprit de corps), the testimony of our conscience, that we have conducted ourselves in the world and especially in relationship to God, both in holiness (filling of the Holy Spirit) and godly sincerity (motivation from Bible doctrine), not in fleshly wisdom, but in the grace of God we have conducted ourselves in the world and especially toward you,"

Because of their doubting God's Word, the conscience of the adolescent believer has conflict between motivation from the truth of Bible doctrine and manipulation from the lies of satan's cosmic systems through the sin nature (fleshly wisdom.)

Believers hallucinate spiritually when they assume they have reached spiritual adulthood when they are really in adolescence. These believers lack grace orientation so they can never properly handle the lust patterns of the sin nature so when they fail repeatedly they begin to doubt God's Word.

The problem-solving device of grace orientation expresses itself through the norms and standards of the conscience that is constructed from Bible doctrine. There is no grace orientation apart from the norms and standards of Bible doctrine established in the soul.

Grace orientation in the soul requires the renovation of the norms and standards of the conscience because the conscience is the basis for grace function in the Christian life.

The principle of grace orientation as it relates to the conscience is also taught in 1Pet 2:18-19; "Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only for the good and gentle masters, but also for the unreasonable ones; for this is grace, if for the sake of conscience toward God, anyone bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly."

This verse was originally addressed to Roman slaves, but it came to refer to anyone who is under the authority of someone else. Some people in authority are perverse, but you are just as responsible before God to submit to their authority. You serve them and do your best job as unto the Lord.


© Copyright 2007, Michael Lemmon Bible Ministries. World Rights Reserved.  This document was created on 2/9/2023